I. Find phrases from the text to express the following ideas:
1. on langenud
2. saavutab edu
3. kaotused tasakaalustavad võidud
4. hinnanguline sissetulek
5. üldine tulemus, punktid kokku
6. langes tabelites … kohta
7. jäi samaks kui eelmisel aastal
8. suurenes (natuke, märkimisväärselt jms)
9. vähenes (oluliselt, pisut jms)
10. püsib kõige kõrgemal positsioonil
11. hüpet tulemustes soodustas veelgi
12. näitab püsivat taset
13. suhteliselt suur langus …. arvus
14. püsib … kohal, talle järgneb kohe …
2. II Compare 4 countries from the Highlights (use the Country Profiles also).
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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1. on langenud - slipped to
ReplyDelete2. saavutab edu - leaps forward
3. kaotused tasakaalustavad võidud - losses offset the gains
4. hinnanguline sissetulek - estimated earned income
5. üldine tulemus, punktid kokku – overall rankings
6. langes tabelites … kohta - falls … spots
7. jäi samaks kui eelmisel aastal - remained the same as previous
8. suurenes (natuke, märkimisväärselt jms) – increases
9. vähenes (oluliselt, pisut jms) - decreased
10. püsib kõige kõrgemal positsioonil - held the highest positions
11. hüpet tulemustes soodustas veelgi - jump was due primarily to an overall
12. näitab püsivat taste - displays a steady performance
13. suhteliselt suur langus …. arvus - relatively large fall in the number of
14. püsib … kohal, talle järgneb kohe …holds the … position followed by
Andreas Nigol
1.slipped to
ReplyDelete2.to flourish
3.losses are evened out due to slight improvements
4.estimated earned
5.overall score
6.slips in the ranking, has slipped from ... to
7.held the number
10.holds the highest spot
11.leap in the rankings was further boosted by
12.remains largely unchanged
13.a relatively large fall in the number of
14.lies in .. position, followed by...
1. on langenud - has been slipped
ReplyDelete2. saavutab edu - gains, leaps forward
3. kaotused tasakaalustavad võidud - losses offset the gains
4. hinnanguline sissetulek - estimated annual earned income
5. üldine tulemus, punktid kokku - average score, overall rankings/score
6. langes tabelites … kohta - falls 7 places/spots ,
slips in the rankings to 9th position, slips down
7. jäi samaks kui eelmisel aastal - retains, held the number
8. suurenes (natuke, märkimisväärselt jms) - increased
9. vähenes (oluliselt, pisut jms) - decreased, worsened
10. püsib kõige kõrgemal positsioonil - holds the highest spot
11. hüpet tulemustes soodustas veelgi jump was due primarily to an overall improvement
12. näitab püsivat taset - remains largely unchanged
13. suhteliselt suur langus …. arvus - a relatively large fall in the number of
14. püsib … kohal, talle järgneb kohe … - lies in /holds the position, followed by
I compared Estonia, Russian Federation, China and Dominican Republic.
Total population in Estonia is about 1.34 millions which compared to Russian Federation is more than 100 times smaller and compared to China is almost 1000 times smaller. In spite of the fact that in Estonia here live so few people, our average life expectancy of female is bigger than in Russian Federation, China and Dominican Republic.
In Estonia and Russian Federation there is population growth negative but in China where live about 1,318.31 people, population growth is positive. It means that Chinese are going to rule the world while Estonians are going to become extinkt.
The mean age of marriage for women is almost the same in mentioned countries that is about 21-23 years.
And finally, if we look closer life expectancy of male then the Russian men's average life-span is 53 years. Estonian men live about 59 years and in overpopulated China they die in age 63.
Find phrases from the text to express the following ideas:
ReplyDelete1. on langenud- slipped to
2. saavutab edu- leaps forward
3. kaotused tasakaalustavad võidud- losses offset the gains
4. hinnanguline sissetulek- estimated income
5. üldine tulemus, punktid kokku- overall rankings, overall score.
6. langes tabelites … kohta- falls places/ spots in the rankings
7. jäi samaks kui eelmisel aastal- remained the same as previous
8. suurenes (natuke, märkimisväärselt jms)- increased(a little, considerably)
9. vähenes (oluliselt, pisut jms)- decreased(significantly, a bit)
10. püsib kõige kõrgemal positsioonil- holds the highest position
11. hüpet tulemustes soodustas veelgi- jump was due primarily to
12. näitab püsivat taset- displays a steady performance
13. suhteliselt suur langus …. arvus- relatively large fall in the number of
14. püsib … kohal, talle järgneb kohe …- holds the … position, followed by
I compared the Education and Training of these 4 countries: Estonia, Brazil, Finland and Australia.
In Estonia, 94% of teachers in primary education are females, but in Finland there is only 77% female teachers. In Brazil, there is also high percent of female teachers. Unfortunately we have no information about Australian female teachers. In consideration of this data, we can say that teachers occupation is not very popular for men.
When we watch the survey results about female teachers in secondary education, then we can see that all 3 countries have almost the same percent female teachers in secondary education and again we don´t have any information about Australia.
Differences in tertiary education are even smaller. The percent of female teachers in tertiary education is about 45%. This is something new. At last we have more male teachers than female teachers.
In conclusion I can say that we have more female teachers in primary and secondary education, but in tertiary education, where we need the ultimate knowledge, we have more male teachers.
Mikk Vihmann 12b
1. has been slipped
ReplyDelete2. gains, leaps forward
3. losses offset the gains
4. estimated annual earned income
5. average score, overall rankings
6. falls... spots
7. remained the same as previous year
8. increased
9. decreased
10. holds the highest spot
11. jump was due primarily to an overall improvement
12. remains largely unchanged
13. a relatively large fall in the number of
14. lies in the position, followed by
I compared Estonia, Belgium, Vietnam and Chile.
Maternity and childbearing
Infant mortality rates are quite low in all these countries. Belgium has the least deaths per 1000 women – only 4. The second is Estonia with 5 and then Chile with 8. Vietnam’s infant mortality rate is the highest – 15 per 1000 births.
There are quite big changes as it comes to teen pregnancies. In Chile there are the most teenage mothers aged 15-19 – 49 out of 1000. Once again, Belgium has the least adolescent mothers – only 10 out of 1000.
Employment and Earnings
The highest rate of unemployment is in Belgium, 16% of population is unemployed, and there are more unemployed females than males. Chile also has quite high rates of unemployment, and once again, more women have no job. Estonia in the other hand has more unemployed men. The unemployment rates in Vietnam are extremely low, about 4% of population has no job.
In conclusion I believe that the numbers of unemployment have changed due to financial crisis and now we have much more unemployed people. But I hope that the infant mortality rate stays as low as it is and the rate of teen pregnancies does not increase.
1. on langenud- slipped to
ReplyDelete2. saavutab edu- leaps forward
3. kaotused tasakaalustavad võidud- losses offst gains
4. hinnanguline sissetulek- estimated earned income
5. üldine tulemus, punktid kokku- overall rankings
6. langes tabelites … kohta- falls…spots
7. jäi samaks kui eelmisel aastal- held the number
8. suurenes (natuke, märkimisväärselt jms)- increased
9. vähenes (oluliselt, pisut jms)- decreased
10. püsib kõige kõrgemal positsioonil- holds the highest spot
11. hüpet tulemustes soodustas veelgi- leap in the rankings was further boosted by
12. näitab püsivat taset-remains largely unchanged
13. suhteliselt suur langus …. arvus-a relatively large fall in the number of
14. püsib … kohal, talle järgneb kohe …- lies in .. position, followed by...
I compared Estonia,Latvia,Russia and Finland.Mean age of marriage for women and healthy life expectancy.
ReplyDeleteIn Estonia and Russia the mean age is 22,Latvia`s mean age is five years higher.The highest mean age is in Finland,where it is 30 years.
The lowest healthy expectance is Russia,Estonia`s and Latvia`s age is the same.The highest age is in Finland.
ReplyDelete1. on langenud - has slipped to
2. saavutab edu - leaps forward
3. kaotused tasakaalustavad võidud - losses offset gains
4. hinnanguline sissetulek - estimated earned income
5. üldine tulemus, punktid kokku – overall rankings, top scores
6. langes tabelites … kohta - falls … spots
7. jäi samaks kui eelmisel aastal - remained the same as previous years
8. suurenes (natuke, märkimisväärselt jms) – increases a little/significantly
9. vähenes (oluliselt, pisut jms) - decreased dramatically/a little
10. püsib kõige kõrgemal positsioonil - held the highest position
11. hüpet tulemustes soodustas veelgi -leap in the rankings was further boosted by
12. näitab püsivat taset - displays a steady performance
13. suhteliselt suur langus …. arvus - relatively large fall in the number of
14. püsib … kohal, talle järgneb kohe …holds the … position followed by
I studied the life expectancy of males in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland.The results are quite expected. As one could guess life expectancy in the Baltic states is around the same level to each other Estonia 59, Latvia 58, Lithuania 59.Finland however has average male life expectancy ten years longer compared to Estonia or Lithuania with 69. This difference is due to Baltic states being under a foregin rule for about fifty years.