Friday, May 8, 2009

Video: Money as Debt.
Where DOES money come from?
Did it help you to understand the roots of our present economic recess?
Find and post 7 expressions worth remembering ('comments', with translations).


  1. Money comes from bank. Bank makes money to sell it.
    Monetary theory- rahaline teooria
    created by the government- loodud valitsuse poolt
    value- väärtus/hinnang
    private corporations-eraühing
    suspicion crew- kahtluse alt väljas olev meeskond
    beginning of the banking- panganduse algus
    no peeking- piilumine keelatud

  2. All money come into existence by way of the bank loan!
    The money supply in our monetary system is 95%dept. - Raha hulk meie rahasüsteemis on 95% v6last.
    It is legal counterfeiting- See on seadusekohane v6ltsimine
    The borrower promises to pay principal plus interest- laenuv6tja lubab maksta p6hisumma koos intressiga.
    Without dept, there would no money- Ilma v6lata ei oleks raha
    Banks lend by creating credit- Pangad laenavad luues krediiti.
    financiers sole object is gain- Rahastaja ainus siht on tulu.
