Thursday, May 7, 2009

make and do


  1. I read cnn online for whole lesson(Y)


  2. Mistakes are made very often.
    Compromises should be made by both sides.
    A complaint should not be made by anyone.
    An excuse was made by Siim.
    A suggestion was made by Juku to help me.
    An appointment should be made before going to doctor.
    The best has been done by me.
    A damage has been done already.
    The job is being done.
    Paperwork had been done by Kalju.
    A promise has done by Kenet.
    A fortune is being made at the moment in spain.

    Üksi tegin. Väga rakse on üksi teha, kui mõttekaaslast pole.

  3. 1. When boys are promised something then you shouldn't belive it.
    2. The apples are offered with good prise.
    3. A mistake has been made.
    4. Mistakes were made by someone.
    5. The bananas are made in Portugal.
    6. Toyotas are made in Japan
    7.Have make a journey.
    8. She made a point in the test.
    9. She made an excuse to me.
    10. She made a lots of money in Finland.

  4. 1.An excuse was made by me to the teacher.
    2.A promise has done by Taava.
    3.A damage has done by viruses.
    4.The best has been done by us.
    5.A complaint has been made by Edgar.
    6.Paperwork has been done.
    7.A Phonecall has been made by me.
    8.An offer has been made today.
    9.A choise has been made of our future.
    10.Villu made point in the exam.
    11.Damage has been made by tornado.
    12.Homeworks have been made already.


  5. Kenari is writing all sentences from other classmates, he is stealing!!!!


  6. Choice was made by students.
    Money has been made by companies.
    Mess has been made by dogs, who are very active.
    Telephone call will be made if you keep doing bad things.
    Fuss is beeing made by the factory and I can’t sleep.
    Loss was made by lazy worker who was too lazy to do his job.
    Progress is going to be made when we work hard.
    Profit can be made when you help me.
    Many mistakes were made because we didn’t give our best.
    Very important appointment will be made to make our life better.
    Effort must be made if you want to make good money.
    Good joke is made by boy who is only five years old.
    Journey is going to be made in South-Africa.
    Offer had been made by rich business women.
    A lot of mistakes are going to be made if you don’t think through

  7. Make:
    ... Good offer should be made,if you wanna go travelling.
    … The perfect appointment can be made,only when you come.
    … The arrangement should be made by this week.
    … A promise shouldn’t be made,if you can’t keep it.
    … This threat shouldn’t be made by the police.
    … A suggestion should be made by today,if you don’t wanna lose your job.
    … This mistake could be made by everyone.
    … The decision should be made by the end of this week.
    … a point
    … a complaint
    … an excuse

    the housework
    … the paperwork
    … an exam

  8. 1.make a promise- lubadust andma
    2.make a decision- ostsust tegema Yesterday was made a decision about the classtrip.
    3.make a mistake- viga tegema Nowadays is made mistakes about growing up children.
    4.make an excuse- andeks andma Parents must be made an excuse to their children mistakes.
    5.make money- raha teenima My parents has been made many money.
    6.make a choice- valikut tegema the shopping- sisseoste tegema a lot of work- palju tööd tegema homework- kodutöid tegema Today I must be done my homework. an exam- eksamit tegema The exam is being done by school-leavers. something well- midagi hästi tegema your best- endast parimat andma She had been done her best.
    13.make an offer- pakkumist tegema
    14.make an arrangement- korda tegema My bedroom was made an arrangement by my mum.
    15.make a suggestion- ettepanekut tegema
    16.make a phone call- telefonikõnet tegema Tomorrow can be made a phone call in Estonia.
    17.make a mess- segadust tekitama Yesterday had been made a mess puppies. a job- tööd tegema Tomorrow is going to be done a job by students. something right- midagi õigesti tegema damage- kahju tegema

  9. 1.An offer has to be made by Gerle.
    2.An appointment had made by employer and worker.
    3.A threat has made by him.
    4.If the promise had made then it should not be broked.
    5.The decision should be made.
    6.An excuse was made by the teacher
    7.The choice has to be made by myself.
    8.A telephone calls have made by thousands of people.
    9.The mess has made by the brother.
    10.The money was made.
    11.The fuss should´nt be made by anyone when we have a lesson!
    12.The complaint was made by me.
    13.The sugsessions have made.
    14.The last effort has to be made.
    15.An important deal were made between the employers.

    Kristi. Vabandust , et alles nüüd tehtud , kuid tunnis kustus mu töö ära , kui olin selle just valmis saanud!

  10. OK. We'll discuss the mistakes at the next class- try to find your own ones before that (e.g. When boys are promised something then you shouldn't belive it. - kui poistele midagi lubatakse... did you mean it?). AND the translations!

  11. And, Taavi, you should worry about your own work, maybe?
